physical geology

do you have any insight into how plate tectonics affects sedimentation?


Yes, plate tectonics affects sedimentation in a variety of ways. The motion of the Earth's tectonic plates creates stress in the Earth's crust causing the folding, faulting, and uplift of rocks. This deformation of the Earth's surface leads to changes in the topography of an area, which affects the sediment transportation and deposition processes in various ways. Mountain building can result in increased erosion, which can produce sediment that is transported to and deposited in different areas. Folding and faulting can block drainage pathways, which can result in changes in sediment transport pathways and sediment deposition. Earthquakes can also cause sediment to be remobilized from its deposition location and redeposited in a new area. Finally, plate tectonics can also cause sea level fluctuations over geologic time, which can affect the types of sediment that can be transported and deposited.

Answered by Troy

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