George Mason University Oppression by Marilyn Fyre Feminist Perspective HW

A simple way of constructing a RR is by writing three paragraphs: note *** do not summarize the whole article just the chosen passage !!Quotations should be correctly citedResponse. Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? Do you have objections to what he or she says? If so, what are your reasons for disagreement with him or her? If you agree with him or her, why is that? Are there further consequences that you’d like to examine? Again : 1- make it look simple and do not use any complicated words or sentences (be straightforward in your writing. And check your grammar mistakes2- a passage here means a paragraph or two or three paragraphs in the uploaded file (article) . 3- copy and paste the passage that you are going to choose above the three paragraphs (summary, analysis and response)in order to understand what you are responding to.
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